Going Viral on TikTok
Mar 15, 2024
TikTok has taken the world by storm and with good reason. It's simple, fast-paced, and entertaining. It's changing the game in social media and is a cultural phenomenon.
Going viral on TikTok can even happen accidentally. For example, the Ocean Spray video. One TikTok creator made a video in which he happened to be drinking Ocean Spray. Of course, it went viral, and Ocean Spray sales soared. Even the Fleetwood Mac song featured in the video climbed back up the charts, with sales going up 374%!
If you're reading this and thinking, "I want that for my business,” you are not alone. In today's fast-paced industry, every TikTok user wants to understand how to turn views into sales.
However, let's take a step back. Everyone on TikTok wants to go viral. Yet the question should not be, "How can I go viral?" Instead, ask yourself, "Am I truly ready to go viral?"
In this article, we will discuss two areas related to going viral on TikTok:
Preparing your foundation
Dealing with Trolls
Preparing Your Foundation
Imagine you stumbled upon the formula for the perfect viral video. Views are climbing into the millions, and celebrities are filming their own versions. As a result, scores of people are flocking to YOUR account. What will they find there?
Using TikTok for business is about more than social media popularity. Your goal is to convert followers into customers.
What happens if you have not created a sales funnel but are suddenly flooded with new eyes on your content? You will have missed that opportunity, and it will be money left on the table.
What do we mean by foundations? First, you must optimize your bio. Even the most casual viewer should click on your profile and know what you do, the results you get for your clients, and how they can learn more.
Next, look at your website and make sure there’s a clear road between someone watching your video and working with you.
Negative Comments and Your Mindset
Unfortunately, sometimes it seems like the comments section is where the worst parts of humanity come out of the woodwork. For every video, there is a group of people determined to pick it apart, pixel by pixel.
The problem with attracting a larger audience is that you are drawing a larger audience. Statistically, a portion of that audience will not be kind.
Believe me, I know. I have had negative comments on my videos - even ones commenting that my voice was too nasal!
So before trying to go viral, make sure you understand the full scope of what that means. Are you ready for negative comments? Have you worked on your mindset to have the confidence to continue, no matter what anyone else might say?
Remember - a troll wants attention. That is a troll’s entire endgame. It's not personal against you; they just want to use your viral post to draw attention to themselves.
However, it can be challenging, so it's okay to take a little social media break if you feel overwhelmed. Talk to a friend, take a walk, and remind yourself that you are amazing!
Dealing with Trolls
Trolls are inevitable in social media, and the more popular you become, the more they will come around.
How should you deal with them? Let's look at four strategies.
Block or Mute Them
Your TikTok account is yours, and you are more than welcome to block someone who is bringing you down. Blocking on TikTok is easy to do and will prevent that user from messaging or following you.
If blocking someone is too harsh, then muting them might be a better option. Muted users can continue to watch your videos, but they cannot comment on anything you post or leave any messages.
Ignore Them
A troll's whole purpose is to try and get attention. That is why they are commenting on your fantastic viral post - because they want to ride your awesome coattails to bring attention to themselves. So, sometimes, when you respond, you're giving them exactly what they want: attention.
Personally, I don't love either of these first two options. However, I believe there is a real opportunity to make lemonade out of lemons when a troll comments on your videos.
Make a Funny Response Video
Take that comment and respond over video. Be sarcastic and witty, but laugh at yourself. This way, not only will you be responding, but you will be showing off your brand's unique personality in the process.
Make a Professional Response Video
Like Michelle Obama said, "When they go low, we go high." So when a troll leaves a nasty comment on your video, respond with a video that professionally answers their claim. Lay out the facts calmly and professionally.
I prefer these two strategies for many reasons.
Firstly, they result in more video content! Plus, since the videos are connected, you will be driving traffic to both videos.
Secondly, this troll is not your dream client. But your dream client may be watching, and your response may show them who you are. So how you respond may be just the thing for them to decide that they want to work with you.
So, how can you go viral?
My answer: don't worry about that.
Seriously, going viral is not the point. Instead, focus on producing high-quality content designed for your dream client. You don't need thousands of eyes seeing you - you just need the right ones!
About Samantha Vlasceanu: Samantha is on a mission to convince businesses and brands that TikTok is not just for our teenagers (and no dancing required)! When COVID-19 hit, her other traveling business had to shut down and she had to pivot - FAST. That's when she realized that she'd been organically reaching her audience on TikTok all along and realized the power TikTok could have for businesses if they gave them a chance. Fast forward to today, Sam works with marketing agencies, coaches, lawyers, corporate Brands - you name it! Sam ensures all her clients are using the app with intention as a sales funnel in finding their target audience and coaching the strategies of converting their followers into ACTUAL paying clients.
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